Keaton Family Genealogy
Keaton Ancestry Heirloom Book
There comes a time in most people's lives when they realize time is running out - so many books to read and so little time, so many wines to taste and so little time, so many thank yous, I'm sorrys and I love yous and so little time. The finiteness of time also applies to figuring out who were the old folks in the family albums and the names in the family bibles. Deeply regretting that curiosity was aroused so late in my life, I began earnestly researching my family history. The internet was my primary tool at first but my memories, however faded and ill-formed, was my guiding light. Soon I went on a quest to adventure out to courthouses, graveyards, homesteads and libraries. With only a few elderly souls from my family still alive, I felt an imperative to take pen and pixel to the task before living memory would be unavailable to future researchers forever. Every piece of information being like a treasure chest full of jewels, once forbidden but now uncovered after centuries of being buried in the sea of genealogy. It has been a wonderful journey of discovery that I enjoyed every minute of and I am happy to present this book of the past generations to pass on to my children and my children's children. It has been my pleasure to research this most interesting family history and I hope that you too will see the importance of bringing your ancestors back to life if only for a moment in your mind so that you can meet those who have walked this earth leaving a great legacy before you were even born! The heritage of your past lives on as long as you cherish this book full of history that made you who you are today.
I have created a book of 234 pages called "Journey Into the Past" about the Keaton family and other surnames: Vest, Farley, Thompson, Garten, Mann, Ballard, Kessinger, Stover, Goodall, Cook, Ellison, Smith, Adkins, Wiloit, Sperry, Parke, Morris, Funk, Phillips, Seib, Miller, Bullington, Hays, Chrisman, Blankenship, English, Blankenbaker, Fleishman, Bennett.......This book I have personally made with genealogy sites, going to libraries, court houses, cemeteries, and talking to family members. This book will tell a little about each person, such as where they were born, marriages, deaths, what clothes they wore, pictures of their homesteads, pictures of them and their families, stories passed down through the years, where they migrated from, and more! This will be your personal family heirloom book!
Check out the picture of the Keaton tree below to determine if you have an ancestor listed. Then go to my book editor site to see more details about the book and decide if you would like to purchase.
Click here to go to the Facebook group where other people are talking about the Keaton family and their own surnames!!e